Time & Expense Tracking

We know time is money, that’s why we have added a simple but powerful tool to keep track of your time entries  and expenses. Capture more billable time and less time trying to figure out how much time you have spent working on a given case.


Time Entry & Expense Tracking

With this simple but easy to use tool you can be sure you are billing your clients for every minute spent on a given case.

Manually enter time directly in the client’s file or use the running clock when you start a job.

Time entries can also be entered directly from the firm’s calendar to account for any events.

Standard or Customizable rates for all your active users.

Accounting for all time entries and expenses has never been easier.

Helping you keep track all your billable hours and expenses effortlessly!

Accurate time tracking and expense tracking. We make it easy and simple. Bill in real time to increase productivity and cash flow at the same time. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, time entries can be entered in the client's file by any user. The user's customized rate will automatically be displayed when entering data.

Yes, all time entries and expenses can be adjusted at any time.

Time will keep on running but no worries, you can always adjust any time entry directly in the client's file.