Store documents, create document templates or have your clients sign any PDF file with our Legal Document Management Software

A simple but powerful tool to keep your clients files organized or obtain client signatures by creating document templates or simply upload a PDF file using placeholders to obtain client information or signatures.


Document Management Software

Document Storage: Store client files including pdf’s, video or audio. Storage is limited to the plan you choose, starting from 1gb for our stater plan to 3gb storage for our all-features plan (per user).

Document Templates: Create document templates such as retainers or other forms from scratch, then use these templates for all your clients. These documents are accessed by your clients through our secured portal which can then be viewed and signed if necessary.

Document E-Signatures: Our software allows you to upload any PDF documents and send them out to clients for electronic signature, no more wasting time scanning a signed document. Documents are saved in the clients portal automatically. Clients also get a copy of the signed document directly to their email address.


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Frequently Asked Questions

You can store as many documents as you want per client, however, there is a limitation on the amount of storage a firm can have depending on the plan you choose, these go from 1gb for our starter plan, 2gb for our plus plan and 3gb for our all features plan.

Any documents you upload to the clients portal, any pdf's created through the templates section or any PDF you upload for your client's review which may or may not require a client's signature is counted towards storage or any e-mails you sent through our software with attachments are also counted towards storage. Storage allocation is determined by the amount of users you have in your system, for example if you purchase the “all features” package with a total of 3 users, then allocation will be set for a total of 9 GB of total storage (3 users x 3GB storage per user = 9 GB Storage).

Our software will e-mail your client a link with an access code which will allow the client to access the portal to view and sign any documents.

Yes, your clients will receive a copy of any signed documents to their e-mail address once a document is signed.

Yes, you will receive an email notifying you that a client has signed a document to the e-mail you have specified in the Preferences section in the Administration Panel.

You can purchase additional storage. Please contact us by phone or e-mail for pricing.